Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Current Projects

For those who've haven't had the misfortune of listening to me since January, I'm working as the Assistant Cosplay Director for a convention in July. Yeah July, like 34 days until I can't work on anything else cause I'll be at the con. Since I'm slightly insane, or just really hate off days, I have a total three costumes I'm working on. It may get bumped up to four, only three of them are personal costumes, but it all depends on money and time. Anyway here's what I have on my plate right now:

Italian Renaissance Garb               Due: June 26th

Ah this little guy has been a long time coming. I talked with my friend about this costume last summer, but at that time it was going to be completely out of leather. This time its cloth seeing that leather is not my forte.

Here's a look at what he sent me:

He was kind enough to pick up the fabric for me after giving him the run down on the amount he would need, granted the diamond patterned section had to be changed. The original fabric was $34.99/yd, so we(he) came up with a genius idea of weaving fabric together to mimic a similar pattern.  Pretty neat stuff coming out of the mind of a fight director! Needless to say, the weaving has to happen first and boy it's a process!

For reference, each strip is 2" wide and after they've had their edges finished they'll be 1.5" wide when I finally weave them. And yes, I had help cutting out all the strips, there are 108 of them....

(Steam)Punk Cheshire Cat               Due: July 13th

I love Alice in Wonderland. Like really love it and when this came up at one of the Ikasucon meetings the whole cosplay department jumped on the chance to make our own Steampunk versions. I originally wanted to do the Duchess just so I could have a giant pepper shaker staff, but yeah... When I found out the Cheshire Cat hadn't been claim I jumped on it and after going through my giant folder of steampunk inspirations I came up with a design for the top; late night talks with my buddy Vaughn morphed that top into this.

Cheshire, at this point is going more punk/military inspired. I went a little more towards the darker side of Alice, making the Cheshire Cat an ex-member of the Queen's Wonderland military. I'll go into more detail with this costume when I have a bit more free time... right now I have a real job to get some sleep for.

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